About Proton Therapy
This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Health-Tourism.com. Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.
Protons are positivelycharged subatomic particles contained in the nucleus of hydrogen atoms, towhich the only electron they have is extracted. The proton beams are held inpowerful accelerators and their physical characteristics allow them to optimallyblame the dose in the tumor and around it respecting healthy zincundanttissues.
Duration of
Each session lasts
about 20 minutes daily for an adult and about 40 minutes for a pediatric one.
This includes the positioning time and verification of the quality of the
geometry. The irradiation time is very short, and it can be, depending on the
dose administered and the number of irradiation fields from one to three
The many benefits of
proton therapy include the possibility of administering high doses of radiation
to targets that have vital organs and other critical structures nearby, thereby
increasing local control of any type of tumor, reducing the radiation delivered
to adjacent tissues and organs as well as the total radiation dose delivered,
which significantly reduces the risk that the patient will develop
radiation-induced tumors and increases their chances of enjoying improved
quality of life.
Days of Stay in the

Author: Dr. Raymond Miralbell
Posted: 13 February 2020 at 12:04 UTC
Last Updated: 05 April 2021 at 08:46 UTC
Duration of procedure/surgery : 20-40 minutes daily
Each session lasts about 20 minutes daily for an adult and about 40 minutes for a pediatric one.
Number of sessions required : Depends on case
Days admitted : Days of Stay in the Country: 4 weeks
Recovery : The many benefits of proton therapy include the possibility of administering high doses of radiation to targets that have vital organs and other critical structures nearby, thereby increasing local control of any type of tumor, reducing the radiation delivered to adjacent tissues and organs as well as the total radiation dose delivered, which significantly reduces the risk that the patient will develop radiation-induced tumors and increases their chances of enjoying improved quality of life