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Gastroenterology in Mexico

Hospitals, medical centers and doctors in Mexico who specialize in Gastroenterology.

Hospital Velmar

Welcome to our Private Hospital, where a friendly and courteous team of medical specialists with a wealth of scientific knowledge and ethical standards is committed to taking care of your healthcare needs. Our goal is to provide unmatched medical care by constantly innovating and investing in the tr

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Hospital San Jose TecSalud

A JCI accredited hospital, located 150 miles from the border with Texas, United States. The hospital is a full range tertiary care hospital, with five areas of excellence: Cardiology, Oncology, Neuroscience, Organ Transplant and Liver Disease.

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Grupo Hospitalario Centro Medico Puerta de Hierro

Centro Médico Puerta de Hierro (CMPDH) is a private, proudly Mexican organization, specializing in the provision of high quality health services.

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Almater Hospital

A small private hospital offering a wide range of medical services for patients seeking for affordable healthcare.

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San Javier Marina Hospital

A tertiary, modern, small hospital, which is part of the San Javier group of hospitals. The hospital employs 48 physicians in most medical specialties, and provides many services to accomodate private and foreign patients.

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Hospital Médica Sur

Prestigious destination that conducts first class medical procedures.

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San Javier Hospital

A 73 bed private, tertiary, full service hospital. San Javier Hospital is affiliated with 3,000 specialized, board certifies physicians, and offers the full range of medical specialties.

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International Bio Care Hospital

A unique hospital that uses integrative medical approach for treating cancer patients, Autoimmune Degenerative Diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other so called "Chronic diseases". Treatment methods are individually tailored for each patient.

Available gastroenterology services:

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Hospital Country 2000

A small, private and modern general service hospital, offering a wide range of medical services, including plastic surgery, orthopedics, general surgery, oncology, infertility and pediatrics. Facilities include private rooms with a TV and phone line.

Available gastroenterology services:

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San Angel Hospital

A small, modern, private hospital, located in the border city of Nuevo Laredo, right across the Texas border. 50% of the patients come from the United States, due to the proximity to the Texas border, and to the easy access by car and by air.

Listed gastroenterologists:

Dr. Jesús Arturo Armenta Jasso

Gastointestinal Surgery
Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

Gastroenterology centers in Mexico (Page 1 of 2)

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