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Tummy Tuck in Thailand

Hospitals, clinics and plastic surgeons in Thailand performing Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty).

Cost of Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) in Thailand

Procedure Minimum price Maximum price

Complete tummy tuck

$US 3,200

$US 12,500

Mini tummy tuck

$US 3,800

$US 9,500

Extended tummy tuck

$US 11,000

$US 12,500

Hospitals and clinics offering Tummy Tuck in Thailand

Browse by city:

Vejthani Hospital

Vejthani is a 500 bed private hospital that serves international patients from over 40 countries annually. The hospital has all necessary services to accomodate medical tourists.

3 listed plastic surgeons:

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Dr. Siripong Luxkanavong

Plastic Surgery

Dr. Sirachai Jindarak

Plastic Surgery


Procedure Prices

Full Abdominoplasty & Liposuction

5,800 - 7,200 US$

Mini Abdominoplasty

3,500 - 4,300 US$

Tummy Tuck (Weight < 80 kgs)

4,300 - 5,200 US$

Phuket International Hospital

Phuket International Aesthetic Center (PIAC) is a partnership bringing together some of Thailand’s leading Plastic Surgeons and Phuket International Hospital - one of Phuket’s largest private hospital’s.

3 listed plastic surgeons:

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Dr. Sanguan Kunaporn

Transsexual Surgery, Gender Reassignment Surgery, Breast Surgery.

Dr. Veerawat Tirananmongkol

Facial Surgery, Breast Surgery, Body Contouring.


Procedure Prices

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

4,500 US$

BNH Hospital

A JCI accredited hospital with a 225 in-patient bed capacity which offers a wide range of medical services. Services for international patients include aesthetic procedures and cosmetic surgery.

6 listed plastic surgeons:

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Procedure Prices

Tummy Tuck

upon request

Chaophya Hospital

The Chaophya Hospital is a JCI accredited, tertiary private hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, which has been in operation since 1991. It has an international department which offers a comprehensive range of supporting services to foreign patients.


Procedure Prices

Tummy Tuck

5,100 US$

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

3,100 US$

Neo Plastic Surgery Center

The Neo Plastic Surgery Center established in 1997, is set in its own grounds with delightful opposite a lake and park. Once inside you will be impressed with the warmth of your welcome.

Listed plastic surgeon:

Dr. Bhumsak Saksri

Plastic Surgeon


Procedure Prices

Tummy Tuck Operation

3,900 - 4,500 US$

Kamol Cosmetic Hospital

MtF Aesthetic Surgery Center in Bangkok is one of the best gender reassignment surgery centers in the world.

3 listed plastic surgeons:

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Dr. Kamol Pansritum

Sex reassignment surgery, male to female

Dr. Danai Meekaewkunchorn MD

Plastic Surgery, SRS


Procedure Prices

Full abdominoplasty

4,900 US$

F Clinic

F Clinic is a new clinic focused on quality, international standards reinforced with a variety of services to meet the needs of both skin and surgery.

Listed plastic surgeons:


Procedure Prices

Complete tummy tuck

11,200 - 13,000 US$

Extended tummy tuck

11,200 - 13,000 US$

Mini tummy tuck

6,500 - 9,800 US$

Nida Esth’ and Piya Surgery

Nida’s specialized medical staff have carefully selected only advanced tech- nologies approved for their effectiveness and safety by world -renowned researchers at institutes such as Harvard University, and by leading physicians, and authorities like the US Food and Drug Administration.

Listed plastic surgeon:

Dr. Piya Rungruxsiri

Cosmetic Surgeon


Procedure Prices

Complete Tummy Tuck

3,300 US$

Complete Tummy Tuck

8,600 US$

Complete Tummy Tuck

9,800 US$

Mini Abdominoplasty with Abdominal Liposuction

7,800 US$

Partial Abdominoplasty

5,800 US$

Dr. V Cosmetic Surgical Rejuvenation

Being one of the few aesthetic centres in Phuket, Dr. V. Cosmetic offers a full range of facial and body care treatments specifically intended to combat aging and promote rejuvenation. The centre serves international and local patients.

Listed plastic surgeon:

Dr. Veerawat Tirananmongkol, M.D

Facial surgery, Breast surgery, Body contouring


Procedure Prices

Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty)

5,500 US$

Pichet Rodchareon M.D.

This cosmetic surgery centre provides a complete line of aesthetic procedures for the face, body, nose, breasts, eyes, and many others. It specializes in sex reassignment surgeries.

Listed plastic surgeon:

Dr. Pichet Rodchareon

Plastic Surgeon


Procedure Prices

Abdominal lipectomy (Abdominoplasty or Tummy tuck surgery)

4,000 US$

Cosmetic surgery centers in Thailand (Page 1 of 2)

About Tummy Tuck

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is a Tummy Tuck?
Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty) is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to make the abdomen more firm. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen in order to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall.
Tummy tuck is usually sought by patients with sagging after major weight loss, or by women after pregnancy.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Abdominoplasty is the 4th most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States (2008 stats).

What types of Tummy Tucks are available?

  • Standard (complete) tummy tuck:
    Surgical cuts will be made in your abdomen and above your bikini line. Your belly button will be cut from the surrounding skin. Your surgeon will pull stretched or torn muscles together and stitch them in place. The surgeon will then remove excess fat, pull down the skin and trim off the excess. Your belly button will be repositioned.
    The cuts will be closed with stitches and your lower abdomen will be firmly strapped with bandages.
  • Mini (partial) tummy tuck:
    Only the skin and fat below your belly button is removed.
  • Extended tummy tuck:
    Excess skin and fat from your abdomen and back is removed.

Will it leave have a scar?
  • Standard tuck:
    you will have a long curved scar along your bikini line, and around your belly button.
  • Mini tuck:
    you will have scar along your bikini line.
  • Extended tuck:
    you will have scar along your bikini line, around your belly button, and around your back.

Duration of procedure/surgery : 2 - 3 hours

Days admitted : 1 - 4 days. May vary according to the patient's condition and duration of the operation.

Anesthesia : General anaesthesia

Recovery : - Your stitches will be removed after 1 or 2 weeks - Return to work: after 2-4 weeks - Can do physical exercise: after 4-6 weeks

Risks : - Infection - Bleeding under the skin (haematoma) - Significant scarring because of bad healing - Skin damage

After care : First 2-4 weeks: a dressing is worn, and no heavy weight should be lifted.

Learn more about Tummy Tuck

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