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Varicocele Repair in Turkey

Hospitals, clinics and medical centers in Turkey performing Varicocele Repair.

Cost of Varicocele Repair in Turkey

Procedure Minimum price Maximum price

Varicocele Repair

$US 400

$US 600

Hospitals and clinics offering Varicocele Repair in Turkey

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Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Hisar Intercontinental Hospital is a JCI accredited facility that provides the highest quality of care for all its patients. The hospital is one of Turkey’s largest private hospitals and utilizes the best and most up-to-date technologies in its 170 bed facility.

Listed urologist:


Procedure Prices

Vericose Veins - Laser

500 US$

Memorial Antalya Hospital

A modern JCI accredited hospital located in Antalya, with 80 physicians spread across most medical specialties. The international patients department assists foreign patients with transportation, insurance, Visa arrangements, translation and more.


Procedure Prices

Varicocele Repair

upon request

Avcilar Hospital

** Prices here are average prices and depend on patients' medical conditions. For cases requiring longer hospitalisation, extra days will be priced separately.


Procedure Prices

Varicocele Repair

upon request

Cayra Clinic

CAYRA Clinic offers you the best opportunities for your life, your beauty and your satisfaction


Procedure Prices

Varicocele Repair

upon request

Istanbul Memorial Hospital

Was the first hospital in Turkey to receive the JCI accreditation. It is also a member of the American Hospital Association (AHA).


Procedure Prices

Varicocele Repair

upon request

Liv Hospital

Liv Hospital is the only institution in Turkey co-authorized Center of Excellence Accreditation in colorectal surgery, robotic surgery and bariatric surgery by the Surgical Review Corporation (SRC) and provides advanced technology and treatments to its international patients with its 159 bed capacit


Procedure Prices

Varicocele Repair

upon request

Urology centers in Turkey (Page 1 of 1)

About Varicocele Repair

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is Varicocele Repair?
Varicocele repair is a procedure carried out in order to improve male fertility, by removing the varicocele from the scrotum.
Although the exact way varicoceles affect male fertility is uncertain, varicoceles are believed to raise testicle temperature and cause a blockage of blood in the veins serving the testicles, decreasing sperm quality and quantity.

What are the methods of Varicocele Repair?
The most common Varicocele Repair procedures are as follows:

  • Open surgery: The surgeon makes an incision in the groin and cuts and ties the veins that produce the varicocele.
  • Laparoscopic surgery: The surgeon makes tiny incisions in the abdomen and inserts a small instrument to monitor and repair the varicocele.
  • Percutaneous embolization: This is a non-surgical procedure for varicocele repair. The doctor inserts a catheter through a large vein in the groin or the neck, and blocks the testicular vein with a balloon, coil or fluid. This procedure stops the blood flow to the varicocele and repairs the vein.

Does Varicocele Repair improve the chances of getting pregnant?
Conflicting evidence exists as to varicocele repair’s impact on improving pregnancy rates. Some research suggests varicocele repair increases the chances of pregnancy while others report no benefit to fertility.

Duration of procedure/surgery : Surgery (open or keyhole) for varicocele repair usually takes around 20 minutes. Percutaneous embolization may take up to 2 hours.

Days admitted : None – varicocele repair is completed on an outpatient basis.

Anesthesia : Surgery for varicocele repair is carried out under general anesthesia.
Percutaneous embolization takes place under local anesthesia with a sedative.

Recovery : Patients go home around 4 hours after varicocele repair and resume normal activities after 2 days. Full activity can be resumed after 1 or 2 weeks.

Risks : Risks include: - Infection. - Fluid build-up in the scrotum. - Injury to arteries and nerves in the scrotum area. - Varicocele repair may not improve the chances of pregnancy. - Hematoma. - Allergic reaction to the fluid used in the percutaneous embolization procedure.

After care : - Bathing or showering can be resumed 48 hours following surgery. - Take Tylenol or ibuprofen to relieve pain. - Keep the surgery area clean and dry.

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