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Lumbar Herniation in Spain

Hospitals, clinics and medical centers in Spain offering Lumbar Herniation .

Grupo Hospitalario Quirónsalud

Within this field, Quirónsalud provides specialized care in neurology (Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinkson’s disease, movement disorders, epilepsy, MS, headaches, and pain) as well as psychiatry and mental health.

8 listed neurosurgeons:

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Dr. Bartolomé Oliver

Centro Médico Teknon · Grupo Quirónsalud

Dr. Pablop Clavel Laria

Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona


Procedure Prices

Lumbar Herniation, Endoscopic treatment of lumbar disc herniation

27,100 - 28,200 US$

Hospital Ruber Internacional

Hospital Ruber Internacional by Quirónsalud is designed as a "whole hospital". Thus, achieving maximum efficiency in the organization and development of the various medical, welfare, educational and research activities


Procedure Prices

Lumbar Herniation, Endoscopic treatment of lumbar disc

29,900 US$

Neurosurgery hospitals in Spain (Page 1 of 1)

About Lumbar Herniation

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

Endoscopic treatment of lumbar disc herniation

Lumbar disc herniation is one of the most common causes of low back pain and may be accompanied by numbness, weakness, tingling, and radiating pain in the legs. Majority of patients with radiculopathy secondary to lumbar disc herniation may be successfully treated with non-operative management including physical therapy, home exercise, counseling, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. However, surgical management of lumbar disc herniation has also been demonstrated as an efficacious treatment modality.

The procedure is identical to other endoscopic surgeries, such as knee arthroscopy, for example. What differentiates lumbar endoscopic surgery from the rest is that there is only one working channel to carry it out.

With equipment with an advanced learning curve, the duration of surgery is limited. The improvement of the symptoms that the patient experiences after this treatment is instantaneous, being able to be discharged and leave the hospital, on their own feet, in hours.

In our Neurosurgery Unit we have been performing this technique for 6 years with magnificent results.

It is important to note that not all herniated discs can be removed with this technique and sometimes the technique must be reconverted to microscopic removal.

Facility: Quirónsalud Ruber Juan Bravo

Doctor: Hugo Santos Benítez. Neurosurgery Unit

Cost: from 25.000 euros

Recovery: 6 days

About Quirónsalud:

Quirónsalud is the largest hospital group in Spain and following a merger with the German company, Fresenius-Helios, we are the largest hospital group in Europe. QS covers all medical specialties, having earned national and international prestige for its work in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurological illnesses, as well as orthopedic, ophthalmologic, pediatric, and gynecological conditions.

Our network has over 125 care centres, of which 50 are general hospitals and 7 are university hospitals. Internationally, we have centres in Dubai, Lisbon, Peru and Medellín (Colombia).

About Quirónsalud Ruber Juan Bravo:

Ruber Juan Bravo Hospital is a reference hospital in Madrid. It has modern technological equipment and a medical team of renowned experts that offer a comprehensive health service, with a personalized quality service, both for patients and their guests.