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Dental Bone Graft in Spain

Details of dental clinics and medical centers in Spain performing Dental Bone Graft.

Cost of Dental Bone Graft in Spain

Procedure Minimum price Maximum price

Dental Bone Graft

$US 550

$US 1,200

Hospitals and clinics offering Dental Bone Graft in Spain

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Hospital Quirónsalud Malaga

With more than 36 medical specialties, 200 physicians and surgeons of the highest level, Quironsalud Hospital Malaga is one of the most pertinent hospitals in Spain.


Procedure Prices

Dental Bone Graft

upon request

Vithas Xanit International Hospital

With 25 years of constant updating, today it manages to be a dentistry benchmark using cutting edge diagnostic and therapeutic techniques to tackle complex cases and rehabilitate all types of smiles functionally and aesthetically.

Listed dentist:

Dr. Alberto Cuevas Millán

Head of The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit


Procedure Prices

Dental Bone Graft

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Smile Partner

A French dental company operating in Canary Island, providing a wide range of dental procedures and treatments.

Listed dentist:

Dr. livier Bournay

Dentistry, Parodontology and Implantology


Procedure Prices

Dental Bone Graft

upon request

Clinica Dental Crooke

Clinica Dental Crooke has their own dental laboratory, equipped with the latest Cad/Cam technology, that allows pamper the quality of our treatment and greatly reduce the execution time, optimizing results and guaranteeing success and satisfaction to the patients.

4 listed dentists:

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Dr. Eduardo Crooke

Implantology – Periodontic – Aesthetic Dentistry

Dr. Rosa Gomez Laguna

Implantology – Prosthetics – Aesthetic Dentistry


Procedure Prices

Dental BoneGraft

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One of the leading dental centers in Spain and Europe, specializing in aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry, with focus on minimally invasive procedures.

10 listed dentists:

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Dr. F.Novell Capilla

He specialized in Surgery in the Universitat de Barcelona in 1974 and in Oral and Maxillofacial Surg

Dr. F.Novell Costa

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Implatology, Minimal Invasive Surgery


Procedure Prices

Dental Bone Graft

upon request

Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital

An ISO certified modern private hospital, which was opened in 2006, and is part of the Quironsalud Hospital Group. This tertiary care hospital has certified medical specialties capable of treating the most complicated medical cases.

Listed dentist:

Dr. Julio Acero

Head of Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Procedure Prices

Dental Bone Graft

upon request

Nisa Pardo de Aravaca Hospital

A modern (opened in 2007), general, private hospital located in Madrid, part of the NISA group of hospitals. The international patients department can assist patients with accomodation and trasportation, and can communicate in English as well as in Spanish.


Procedure Prices

Dental Bone Graft

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Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja

Quironsalud Hospital Torrevieja is an ISO-certified private hospital located in the north of Torrevieja, championing excellence in cancer treatment and management. IMTJ Best International Hospital of the world (awards 2017)


Procedure Prices

Dental Bone Graft

upon request

Hospital General de Catalunya

The intent of the Hospital General de Catalunya is to provide the preceptor with an overview of the dental management of medically compromised patients in both the outpatient and inpatient settings, as well as provide exposure to the latest philosophies in all phases of general dentistry.


Procedure Prices

Dental Bone Graft

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HM Hospitales

HM Hospitales is a hospital group with six private hospitals in Madrid: three general hospitals, a cardiovascular hospital, an oncological center and a women's health hospital.


Procedure Prices

Dental Bone Graft

upon request

Dental clinics in Spain (Page 1 of 2)

About Dental Bone Graft

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

Dental Bone Graft

Bone grafting is usually closely linked to dental restorations like dental implants and bridge work. In most cases, the success of a restoration procedure may hinge on the width, height, and depth, of the jawbone at the implant site. When the jawbone has suffered considerable damage or receded, the implants cannot be supported on this unsteady foundation and bone grafting is often appropriate for the ensuing restoration.

There are numerous major factors, which affect jaw bone volume:
  • Periodontal Disease – Periodontal disease may affect and permanently damage the jaw bone, which supports the teeth. Affected parts gradually become worse until the teeth end up unstable.
  • Tooth Extraction – Research has shown that patients who have gone through a tooth extraction eventually lose 40-60 percent of the bone surrounding the teeth removal site during the following 36 months. Loss of bone leads to what is referred to as a “bone defect”.
  • Injuries Infections and Injuries – Physical injuries and dental injuries due to a blow to the jaw may result in the bone to recede. Infections can as well cause the jaw bone to recede in the same way.

Reasons for bone grafts

In most cases, bone grafting is an extremely successful procedure. It's also a favored option to having tooth deformities, missing teeth, or diseased teeth. Bone grafting may increase the width and height of the jawbone and fill in defects and voids in the bone.

  • Two ways where bone grafting can positively have an effect on the stability and health of the teeth:
  • Jaw Stabilization – Bone grafting helps restore and stabilize the jaw foundation for implant or restorative surgery. Deformities may also be corrected and the restructuring of the bone may give added support.
  • Preservation – Bone grafting may be used to prevent or limit bone recession following periodontal disease, a tooth extraction or other invasive procedures.

Oral check-up

Firstly, the dentist will carefully check out the affected area so as to evaluate the general condition of the gums and teeth. If periodontal disease is found or the adjacent teeth are in bad state, these factors will be entirely attended to before the bone grafting process can start. The dentist will as well recommend panoramic x-rays so as to assess the exact width and depth of the existing bone. Occasionally, a CAT scan might be recommended to ascertain the bone condition. Based on these results, the dentist might also anesthetize the area and examine the gum so as to figure out what type and how much bone is needed.

What does bone grafting involve?

Your dentist will establish the best kind for your specific condition.

  • Autogenous Bone Graft - Collected from the patient’s own body (typically from the rear area of the chin or lower jaw). This procedure is often preferred since it delivers the most predictable results.
  • Allograft Bone Graft - Cadaver or synthetic bone is used in this kind of graft.
  • Xenograft - Cow bone is used in this kind of graft.

The bone grafting procedure will likely take many months to finish. Bone is usually harvested from your own body (or on unusual instances got from a “bone bank”) and added to the affected site. This bone will fuse with the existing bone making the migration of cells resulting in firm adhesion and cell development. Supplementing the jaw with bone will lead to higher bone mass to help support and secure the implant(s).

 At the time of the surgery, the dentist will numb the extraction and grafting sites using a local anesthetic. A small incision will be made to prepare the site for the new bone, which will be secured into place. Occasionally, a synthetic membrane might be used to cover the new bone. This membrane stops bacteria invasions and soft tissue and motivates new bone development. This procedure doesn't need an overnight stay, and you will be given comprehensive instructions for your post-operative care. The dentist will prescribe drugs to help deal with swelling, infection and discomfort.

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