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Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) in Tel Aviv

Hospitals, clinics and medical centers in Tel Aviv, Israel which have an ear nose and throat (ENT) center.
Ear Nose and Throat in Israel

Sourasky Medical Center

The Department of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) - Head and Neck Surgery at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center treats a wide range of patients who need surgical or conservative treatments for the nasal passages, sinuses, ears, mouth, pharynx, throat, head and neck regions, or the base of the brain.

Listed ENT specialist:

Prof. Dan M. Fliss

Head of tolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

Assuta Hospital

The new Assuta Hospital was opened in 2009, and claims to be the most modern hospital in the middle east.

10 listed ENT specialists:

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Dr. Avner Yaniv

ENT and Surgery of Head and Neck, ENT Children

Dr. Baker Gideon

ENT and Surgery of Head and Neck

Herzliya Medical Center

A private hospital located on the shorelines of Herzliya, just off Tel Aviv, offering healthcare services to both local and foreign patients. The hospital is affiliated with over 500 Israeli physicians, many of whom hold high level positions at public hospitals.

31 listed ENT specialists:

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Dr. Berko Me

Ear, Nose and Throat

Prof. Finkelstein Yehuda

Ear, Nose and Throat

Rabin Medical Center

The second largest hospital in Israel, Rabin Medical Center is a tertiary care hospital that can handle the most complicated cases in all medical fields.

Listed ENT specialist:

Prof. Raphael Feinmesser

Otolaryngology, head and neck surgery

Assaf Harofeh Medical Center

One of the largest hospitals in Israel with 900 beds and 700 physicians. The hospital serves 1000 medical tourists annually, providing advanced medical care at the highest western standards.

Listed ENT specialist:

ENT centers in Tel Aviv (Page 1 of 1)


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