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Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) in San Jose

Hospitals, clinics and medical centers in San Jose, Costa Rica which have an ear nose and throat (ENT) center.
Ear Nose and Throat in Costa Rica

Hospital Clinica Biblica

Clinica Biblica Hospital is one of the top medical institutions of Costa Rica. Approximatey 50% of the physicians at the hospital were trained in the USA.

Available ENT services:

Full information upon request

Hospital La Catolica

The ENT unit offers comprehensive evaluation and treatment for patients with ear, nose and throat disorders. The department works closely with other medical and surgical specialties.

8 listed ENT specialists:

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CIMA Hospital

A modern, JCI accredited hospital which provides a full range of diagnostic, emergency, medical and surgical services.

3 listed ENT specialists:

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Dr. Max Guth Morales

Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

Dr. Ariel Miremberg

Otolaryngology, Sleep Medicine

ENT centers in San Jose (Page 1 of 1)


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